Office Hours

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Office hours are an opportunity to get help with concepts or with particular assignments.

You may join the office hours queue here at any time during the hours listed below. If the office hours are physical: when you are requesting help/checkoff, for the location indicate a way for a staff member to find you in the room. If the office hours are virtual: when you are requesting help/checkoff, enter your own zoom session link as your location. (e.g. demo when requesting from the lab checkoff page; and demo when requesting general help from the help queue).

Our regular office hours are scheduled:

  • Sunday, 5-7pm, Virtual
  • Sunday, 7-9pm, Virtual
  • Monday, 7-9pm, 32-044
  • Monday, 9-11pm, Virtual
  • Tuesday, 3-5pm, 32-044
  • Tuesday, 7-9pm, 32-044
  • Wednesday, 4-6pm, 32-044
  • Wednesday, 7-9pm, 32-044
  • Wednesday, 9-11pm, Virtual
  • Thursday, 1-3pm, 32-044

Please note:

  • Physical office hours will not typically claim virtual students.
  • Be sure that you're on the Office Hours queue.
  • Queue will be locked 5 minutes prior to the scheduled end time (to ensure our TAs/LAs have enough time for their last discussion).
  • Please refer to Google Calendar for any holiday/schedule/location shift.

Instructor office hours are also available for conceptual help. These times are not intended for lab checkoffs or specific help with your code for a homework, but rather for other kinds of conceptual questions.

By default, instructor office hours are available at the following times/location.

  • Vince: Monday, 1-2pm, 24-318
  • Chris: Thursday, 3-4pm, via Zoom (pw = 'eecs')
  • Kyle: Wednesday, 12:30pm-1:30pm, 24-316
  • Shen: Friday, 1-2pm, 24-328
  • Manolis: Saturday, 8-9am, via zoom by appointment, please text 617-797-4022
  • Priya: Monday, 3-4pm, 45-601F
  • Sasha: Thursday, 1-2pm, 32-D730

Please keep an eye on the Google Calendar for any schedule/location shift (due to e.g. instructor travel plan).