Spring23 Final Exam Logistics
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The final exam will be on Tuesday, May 23, 1:30-4:30pm, at Johnson Track.
The final exam covers material from lecture notes, exercises, recitations, labs, and homeworks issued cumulatively from week 1 (Intro to ML) to week 12 (Clustering).
The final exam will be a written, in-person exam; no electronics or computers may be accessed during the exam. You may bring two pages of paper (8.5" by 11") with anything written on both sides using any tool or font, but no further references or calculators.
Past finals are available for you to use in reviewing and preparing for the final exam. You may also find it useful to review past midterms.
The MIT Registrar has set the 6.390 conflict exam to be on Wednesday, May 24 from 1:30 to 4:30 PM. If you are a cross-registered student and need to take the conflict exam, please email
to make arrangements. -
If you require accommodations for the final exam and you have taken our accommodation midterm, then your note from DAS or S3 is already on record and you do not need to request accommodation again. We will be reaching out to you via email about your exam time and room confirmation.
If you require accommodations for the final exam (with a note from DAS or S3 as appropriate) and have not contacted us before regarding this, please email
to make arrangements. -
You need to let us know by Monday, May 8 in order for us to arrange accommodations or a conflict exam.