Introduction to Machine Learning
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Homework 1 -- Numpy and ML
Due: Wednesday, February 15, 2023 at 11:00 PM
Welcome to your first homework! Homeworks are designed to be our primary teaching and learning mechanism, with conceptual, math, and coding questions that are designed to highlight the critical ideas in this course. You may choose to tackle the questions in any order, but the homeworks are designed to be followed sequentially. Often, insights from the early problems will help with the later ones.
You have 'free checking'! That means you can check and submit your answer as many times as you want. Your best submission (the one that gives you the most points taking into account correctness and lateness) will be counted---you don't have to worry about it.
After submitting your answers, even if you have gotten a perfect score, we highly encourage you to hit 'View Answer' to look at the staff solution. You may find the staff solutions approached the problems in a different way than you did, which can yield additional insight. Be sure you have gotten your points before hitting 'View Answer', however. You will not be allowed to submit again after viewing the answer.
Each week, we'll provide a Colab notebook for you to use draft and debug your solutions to coding problems (you have better editing and debugging tools there); but you should submit your final solutions here to claim your points.
This week's Colab notebook can be found here: HW01 Colab Notebook (Click Me!)
The homework comes in two parts:
- Learning to use
- Introduction to linear regression
Machine learning algorithms almost always boil down to matrix computations, so we'll need a way to efficiently work with matrices.
is a package for doing a variety of numerical computations in Python that supports writing very compact and efficient code for handling arrays of data. It is used extensively in many fields requiring numerical analysis, so it is worth getting to know.
We will start every code file that uses numpy
with import numpy as np
, so that we can reference numpy
functions with the np.
precedent. The fundamental data type in numpy is the multidimensional array, and arrays are usually generated from a nested list of values using the np.array
command. Every array
has a shape
attribute which is a tuple of dimension sizes.
In this class, we will use two-dimensional arrays almost exclusively. That is, we will use 2D arrays to represent both matrices and vectors! This is one of several times where we will seem to be unnecessarily fussy about how we construct and manipulate vectors and matrices, but this will make it easier to catch errors in our code. Even if [[1,2,3]]
and [1,2,3]
may look the same to us, numpy functions can behave differently depending on which format you use. The first has two dimensions (it's a list of lists), while the second has only one (it's a single list). Using only 2D arrays for both matrices and vectors gives us predictable results from numpy operations.
Using 2D arrays for matrices is clear enough, but what about column and row vectors? We will represent a column vector as a d\times 1 array and a row vector as a 1\times d array. So for example, we will represent the three-element column vector,
array. This array can be generated with
~~~ x = np.array([[1],[5],[3]]),
or by using the transpose of a 1 \times 3 array (a row vector) as in,
~~~ x = np.transpose(np.array([[1,5,3]]),
where you should take note of the "double" brackets.
It is often more convenient to use the array attribute .T , as in
~~~ x = np.array([[1,5,3]]).T
to compute the transpose.
Before you begin, we would like to note that in this assignment we will not accept answers that use for or while loops. One reason for avoiding loops is efficiency. For many operations, numpy calls a compiled library written in C, and the library is far faster than interpreted Python (in part due to the low-level nature of C, optimizations like vectorization, and in some cases, parallelization). But the more important reason for avoiding loops is that using numpy library calls leads to simpler code that is easier to debug. So, we expect that you should be able to transform loop operations into equivalent operations on numpy arrays, and we will practice this in this assignment.
Of course, there will be more complex algorithms that require loops, but when manipulating matrices you should always look for a solution without loops.
You can find general documentation on numpy
Numpy functions and features you should be familiar with for this assignment:
- np.array
- np.transpose (and the equivalent method a.T)
- np.ndarray.shape
- (and the equivalent method )
- np.linalg.inv
- np.vstack
- np.ones
- np.sqrt
- Elementwise operators +, -, *, /
Note that in Python,, b)
is the matrix product a @ b
, not the dot product a^T b.
If you're unfamiliar with numpy and want to see some examples of how to use it, please see this link: Numpy Overview.
Provide an expression that sets A
to be a 2 \times 3 numpy
array (2 rows by 3 columns), containing any values you wish.
Write a procedure that takes an array and returns the transpose of the array. You can use np.transpose
or the property T
, but you may not use loops.
Note: as with other coding problems in 6.390 you do not need to call the procedure; it will be called/tested when submitted.
Let A
be a 4\times 2 numpy array, B
be a 4\times 3 array, and C
be a 4\times 1 array. For each of the following expressions, indicate the shape of the result as a tuple of integers (recall python tuples use parentheses, not square brackets, which are for lists, and a tuple with just one item x in it is written as (x,) with a comma). Write "none" (as a Python string with quotes) if the expression is illegal.
For example,
- If the result array was
[45, 36, 75]
, the shape is(3,)
- If the result array was
, the shape is(2,3)
is 4\times 2, B
is 4\times 3, and C
is 4\times 1.
is 4\times 2, B
is 4\times 3, and C
is 4\times 1.
Reminder: A
is 4\times 2, B
is 4\times 3, and C
is 4\times 1.
Reminder: A
is 4\times 2, B
is 4\times 3, and C
is 4\times 1.
Reminder: A
is 4\times 2, B
is 4\times 3, and C
is 4\times 1.
Hint: for more compact and legible code, use @ for matrix multiplication, instead of If A and B, are matrices (2D numpy arrays), then A @ B =, B).
If you're unfamiliar with these terms, and the indexing and slicing rules of arrays, please see the indexing and slicing sections of this link: Numpy Overview (Same as the Numpy Overview link from the introduction). You can also look at the official numpy documentation here.
In the following questions, let A = np.array([[5,7,10,14],[2,4,8,9]])
. Tell us what the output would be for each of the following expressions. Use brackets []
as necessary. If the operation is invalid, write the python string "none"
Note: Remember that Python uses zero-indexing and thus starts counting from 0, not 1. This is different from R and MATLAB.
Reminder: A = np.array([[5,7,10,14],[2,4,8,9]])
Reminder: A = np.array([[5,7,10,14],[2,4,8,9]])
Reminder: A = np.array([[5,7,10,14],[2,4,8,9]])
Reminder: A = np.array([[5,7,10,14],[2,4,8,9]])
Reminder: A = np.array([[5,7,10,14],[2,4,8,9]])
Reminder: A = np.array([[5,7,10,14],[2,4,8,9]])
Reminder: A = np.array([[5,7,10,14],[2,4,8,9]])
Now that we're familiar with numpy arrays, let's practice actually using numpy in our code!
In the following questions, you must get the shapes of the output correct for your answer to be accepted. If your answer contains the right numbers but the grader is still saying your answers are incorrect, check the shapes of your output. The number and placement of brackets need to match!
Write a procedure that takes a list of numbers and returns a 2D numpy
array representing a row vector containing those numbers. Recall that a row vector in our usage will have shape (1, d) where d is the number of elements in the row.
Write a procedure that takes a list of numbers and returns a 2D numpy array representing a column vector containing those numbers. You can use the rv
Write a procedure that takes a column vector and returns the vector's Euclidean length (or equivalently, its magnitude) as a scalar. You may not use np.linalg.norm
, and you may not use loops.
Remember that the formula for the Euclidean length for a vector \mathbf{x} is:
Write a procedure that takes a column vector and returns a unit vector (a vector of length 1) in the same direction. You may not use loops. Use your length
procedure from above (you do not need to define it again).
Write a procedure that takes a 2D array and returns the final column vector as a two dimensional array. You may not use loops. Hint: negative indices are interpreted as counting from the end of the array.
A scalar number x has an inverse x^{-1}, such that x^{-1} x = 1, that is, their product is 1. Similarly, a matrix A may have a well-defined inverse A^{-1}, such that A^{-1} A = I, where matrix multiplication is used, and I is the identity matrix. Such inverses generally only exist when A is a square matrix, and just as 0 has no well defined multiplicative inverse, there are also cases when matrices are "singular" and have no well defined inverses.
Write a procedure that takes a matrix A and returns its inverse,
A^{-1}. Assume that A is well-formed, such that its inverse
exists. Feel free to use routines from np.linalg
Mat T. Ricks has collected weight and height data of 3 people and has written it down below:
Weight, Height
150, 5.8
130, 5.5
120, 5.3
He wants to put this into a numpy
array such that each column represents
one individual's weight and height (in that order), in the order of individuals as listed. Write code to
set data
equal to the appropriate numpy array:
and another numpy
array. (Remember that column and row vectors are arrays and that, in 6.390, we will always represent these as two-dimensional arrays.) He has written the following incorrect code to do so and needs your help to fix it:
We are beginning our study of machine learning with linear regression which is a fundamental problem in supervised learning. Please study Sections 2.1 through 2.4 of the Chapter 2 - Regression lecture notes before starting in on these problems.
A hypothesis in linear regression has the form
This week, just to get warmed up, we will consider a simple algorithm for trying to find a hypothesis that fits the data well: we will generate a lot of random hypotheses and see which one has the smallest error on this data, and return that one as our answer. (We don't recommend this method in actual practice, but it gets us started and makes some useful points.)
Here is a data-set for a regression problem, with d = 1 and n = 5:
Consider hypothesis \theta = 1, \theta_0 = 1.
Let our objective J(\theta, \theta_0; \mathcal{D}) = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n (\theta x^{(i)} + \theta_0 - y^{(i)})^2
Assume we are given an input x as a column vector and the parameters specifying a linear hypothesis. Let's compute a predicted value.
Write a Python function which is given:
: input vector d \times 1th
: parameter vector d \times 1th0
: offset parameter 1 \times 1 or scalar
and returns:
- y value predicted for input
by hypothesisth
Now assume we are given n points in an array, let's compute predictions for all the points.
Write a Python function which is given:
: input array d \times nth
: parameter vector d \times 1th0
: offset parameter 1 \times 1 or scalar
and returns:
- a 1\times n vector y of predicted values, one for each column of
for hypothesisth
Try to make it so that your answer to this question can be used verbatim as an answer to the previous question.
Given two 1 \times n vectors of output values, Y
and Y_hat
compute a 1 \times 1 (or scalar) mean squared error.
- Read about np.mean
Write a Python function which is given:
: vector of output values 1 \times nY_hat
: vector of output values 1 \times n
and returns:
- a 1\times 1 array with the mean square error
Assume now that you have two k \times n arrays of output values, Y
. Each row (0 \dots k-1) in a matrix represents the results of using
a different hypothesis. Compute a k \times 1 vector of the mean-squared
errors associate with each of the hypotheses (but averaged over all n
data points, in each case.)
- Read about the
arguments to np.mean
(Try to make it so that your answer to this question can be used verbatim as an answer to the previous question.)
Write a Python function which is given:
: vector of output values k \times nY_hat
: vector of output values k \times n
and returns:
- a k\times 1 vector of mean squared error values
Use the mse
and lin_reg_predict
procedures to implement a procedure
that takes
: d \times n input array representing n points in d dimensionsY
: 1 \times n output vector representing output values for n pointsth
: parameter vector d \times 1th0
: offset 1 \times 1 (or scalar)
and returns
1 \times 1 (or scalar) value representing the MSE of hypothesis
on the data setX
. -
Read about the
argument to np.mean
The code is below. It takes in
: d\times n input array representing n points in d dimensionsY
: 1\times n output vector representing output values for n pointsk
: a number of hypotheses to try
And generates as output
- the tuple
((th, th0), error)
is a hypothesis anderror
is the MSE of that hypothesis on the input data.
def random_regress(X, Y, k): 1 d, n = X.shape 2 thetas = 2 *np.random.rand(d, k) - 1 3 th0s = 2* np.random.rand(1, k) - 1 4 errors = lin_reg_err(X, Y, thetas, th0s.T) 5 i = np.argmin(errors) 6 theta, th0 = thetas[:,[i]], th0s[:,[i]] return (theta, th0), errors[i]
Note that in this code we use np.random.rand rather than np.random.randn as we will see in the lab. So some of the behavior will be different, and we'll ask some questions about that below.
- Read about np.random.rand
- Read about np.argmin
Rather than asking you to write the code, we are going to ask you some questions about it.
a. Lines 2 and 3 generate k random hypotheses (th, th0)
. What
problem would we face if we didn't multiply by 2 and subtract 1'?
b. What is going on in line 5?
c. When we call lin_reg_err
in line 4, we have objects with the
following dimensions:
: d \times nths
: d\times kth0s
: 1\times k
If we want to get a matrix of predictions of all the hypotheses on all
the data points, we can write, X) + th0s.T
But if we do the dimensional analysis here, there's something fishy.
What is the dimension of, X)
?Enter a Python list of two strings (remember quotes). The strings can be one of:'1'
. -
What is the dimension of
?Enter a Python list (remember brackets) of two strings (remember quotes). The strings can be one of:'1'
. -
Why does this work?
Pick one. -
What would be an explicit numpy call to convert
into the same shape, X)
so the addition is mathematically well defined without any Numpy trickery?Pick all that are correct.
(The form below is to help us improve/calibrate for future assignments; submission is encouraged but not required. Thanks!)